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The conference proceedings will be published as a special issue of Philosophical Magazine. For publication, papers must follow the high quality standards of the journal. They will be rigorously refereed. The deadline for submission of contributions to the special issue is 30 May 2010. (The deadline was slightly shifted from previously announced 15 May.)

All manuscripts have to be submitted online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/pm-pml. When you submit, please indicate that your paper is for a special issue, and identify the special issue as "Proceedings of ICQ11". You will have this opportunity toward the bottom of the menu called "Details and Comments."

Due to length restrictions, each presenting author will be allowed to submit manuscripts up to two. It will not be allowed to submit two manuscripts for one presentation. All papers including invited and contributed papers must not exceed 8 printed pages.

Because of the layout of Philosophical Magazine, we especially suggest that you save space by combining figures into a single figure with multiple panels in horizontal sequence (rather than stacked vertically). The articles will be printed in monochrome in the journal, but in color in online version. Then it is important to make nice color figures that can be understandable even in monochrome.

There are Word and LaTex templates. Please go to http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/pm-pml at first, and then select "Instructions and Forms" in "Resources". You will find the templates in "Philosophical Magazine Instructions for Authors".
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